Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ole and Family in da Twin Cities

Ole, Lena, and little Ole went to the big city for the first time.

They were walking down the street and looking in the department store windows when Ole Jr. spotted something that caught his eye and ran into a building.

Big Ole and Lena followed him. There they all stood in front of a shiny metal door that was cut into a wall of black marble. A chubby, elderly, gray haired lady walked up and pushed a button on the wall next to the door. The door opened and she walked into the little room behind the shiny door. The door closed and the numbers above the door counted up and then down again. The shiny doors opened and a beautiful young lady walked out.

Ole Jr. said, "What kind of machine is dat, Dad?"

Big Ole replied, "I don't know little Ole, but push dat button and shove your Ma in!"

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