Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Isn't that What Friends are For?

Ole, Lena, and Sven were lost in the woods and were becoming desperate. It was winter, the snow was deep, and their situation was looking very bleak. When Ole dug down into the snow to look for nuts, he found an old lamp when he wiped the snow off, a genie emerged.

The genie says, "I am da great genie of the north and I can grant each of you one wish."

Ole says, "I vish I vas back on my farm." Poof! And Ole was gone.

Lena quickly says, "I vish I vas back on da farm with Ole." Poof! And Lena's gone.

Sven just sat there in the snow and looked very sad.

"Sven, what is it you wish for?" asked the genie.

Sven says, "Gee, I'm so lonely, I vish Ole and Lena vere back here wid me."

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